Wonderful piece, Joy! I love the Vermeer painting of "The Milkmaid", one of my favorites from him and a masterful show of the humble power of the home. God bless your efforts. Wendy

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Thank you Wendy! I just love that painting for the beautiful way our common work is portrayed. I love how you put it “the humble power of the home.” 🥰

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Joy, thank you back! I was never a Mom but to me, being a Mom or Dad is the most important profession in the world, bar none. Raising the next generation is hard work and I would imagine you have to somewhat improvise on a day by day basis, as kids are constanly changing. I am glad you enjoy the profound meditative message of Vermeer's paintings. Vermeer did capture so much beauty in humble things, as well as the "royal" ones. Blessings to you and yours in 2024, Wendy

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My first thought is to get rid of the guilt if possible. You’ve already admitted your lack of enthusiasm. If you are a believer, you could now ask the Lord to fill

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You with His Spirit and help you, strengthen and equip you. There are many Bible verses that talk about Him empowering you. The key is obedience, I believe. You’ve already begun, so now it’s the continuation and perseverance in what you know is right and good. I pray the delight will come! I have faith it will, sooner or later! May God bless you.

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You are so wise!

I am saddened by the number of my mom friends who don’t like to cook, day in day out. I guess I understand, but I don’t join them in their dislike. It’s a privilege for me, and I’ve also been influenced by Edith Schaeffer’s Art of Homemaking, to embue every (or many) simple homemaking acts with beauty and grace. It’s really life-giving!

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Also I came here to write that my 8 year old just memorized the 3rd verse of Do the Next Thing. 2nd and 4th verse are great too.

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This is very belated as I am just starting out as a mom and learning a lot. I am sadly one of those who really struggles to find joy in the work of the home — cooking and cleaning. Any advice on how I can better fight for that joy? I know in my head that this is a privilege to serve my family and to create a life-giving home, but it often feels so daunting and exhausting.

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Most of us have been there (or go there). The first thing I’ve looked at is my health. Am I depressed or dealing with crazy hormones? My greatest challenge with finding joy in my work as a mother and CARING about the work that needs to be done has been with my hormones! I struggled with depression during pregnancy and would look at the mess and go- “meh, I’m sure I should care, but whatever.”

So perhaps there’s a way to assess yourself physically first. Are you eating enough? Are you getting Omega 3s, iron, vitamin B? All of those contribute to feeling like doing anything.🤷🏻‍♀️ (I know I didn’t consider these either for years)

Then assess your mind health. What do you think about, mediate on, look at on the screen or in books. Is there an area here that could help order your heart toward the hood work you have to do?

Last- and really first- Ask God for wisdom for moving forward. The good news is you’ve found an area of weakness- no joy in cleaning. Now bring it before Him and ask Him to show you what to do about it!

He loves to be asked and His power is made perfect in our weaknesses!

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I think I wrote my reply to you in the wrong space so please see my other comments.

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